
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Availed Tour-Great Wall of China

Availed Tour-Great Wall of China

Date : Aug 2013

Pax: Joiner

Day 2: Availed Tour-Great Wall of China

Early Bath and Free Breakfast,

- then by 840am  at  pick up Gulou street ( which is nearby from my lodge )

Pick up by 9 am (waited for 30mins)

-coaster ( Will - our Chinese english speaking tour guide)

    -My tourmates (Kirk,Kyle -canada,Dennis, rajiv ( based in UAE, dennis is chinese)

-I thought the  tour is for  city tour, my outfit doesn't match for today's tour i should be wearing shorts and t shirt). It's my fault i forgot to ask our coordinator prior.

Started our Tour Proper

    -1st stop Ming Tomb 

        -free time/tour guide gave us 25 mins to explore the area

    2nd stop-Jade Factory (souvenir store)

                -restaurant upstairs( lunch) viands, free drink (1st glass only- choice of soda,juices, wine)

-talk to my fellow tourits(sharing stories , " Napalaban ako ng Englishan!")

Here are the pictures:

3rd stop-Great Wall of China  (" Badaling Wall Area")

        -hazy ,gloomy, started to drizzle.

        -via cable car to ascend, descend to/from the wall ,(own expense 80 yuan)to save time and energy.

At the wall,  

    -the rain stopped while we're at the wall and i think the our guide gave us 1- 2 hours stay at the wall

         -Of course no stop photo ops , a lot of tourist, I'm so speechless, stepping at the wall.  The only man made structure visible from the moon from our history books! WOW  and Thank your Lord for this privilege and opportunity.    

    -Visited 5 towers. some of the area are steep, the weather was windy,'

Here are the pictures:

By 3pm ,

Badaling to Beijing ( almost 2 Hours)

4th Stop  Dr. Tea shop 

-Drop at Nanlouxiang Street

    - tried the famous Jianbing (jianping) long lines.the vendors doesn't speak english and im grateful to this  teenager informing me that it's my turn.

-Back to my lodge ate Jianbing, heavy snack. I skipped dinner and I'm full.


- Called my tour coordinator , to follow up for my 2nd day tour  tomorrow( instructed me again Where,When for pick up)

- Already have new roomates, 4 Portuguese, 1 Chinese, 1 Caucasian, 1 South African,.talked to them, friendliness(nosebleed again). One of the Portuguese looks like Liam Hemsworth ( " Ang Pogi ! Sayang di ko nakuha socmed, Naubusan na kase ang ng English !" Haha .Sleep

 Continue for Day 3: Availed Tour-Summer Palace, Forbidden City etc.  And Half Day DIY Tour.

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