
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Samal Island, Davao

Hagimit Falls, Samal Island

Day III: Island Garden City of Samal (My 2nd Visit)

Aug 8,2012

Breakfast at BBQ Boss. Taxi Ride to SASA Wharf (Pier 11).30mins-RORO ride (P10)

Hired Tricycle (P800- Route and  Tourist Spots to visit: Montfort Bat Cave,Hagimit Falls)

*I lost our Tricycle driver's contact number,but don't worry there are a lot of Motorcycles and Tricycles waiting near the wharf,just do haggle like what i did on my 1st visit alone in Samal Island last 2011.You can also read my Samal Island stories here.

1st Stop: Montfort Bat Cave (My 2nd Time)
Guinness World Record Certified
Environmental Fee: P10
Entrance Fee: P100
*With In-House Guide



Lunch at a Public Market. Bought Snacks, Water etc.. for our Food to Hagimit Falls

2nd Stop: Hagimit Falls (My 2nd Time) 
Located at the Middle of Samal Island
Entrance Fee: P25
Cottage Fee: P100
Stayed until 5:00 PM
*Our patient tricycle driver waited for us 



Samal Island has a lot to offer but due to lack of funds and limited time we opted this way. On my bucket list maybe in due time ( Vanishing Island, Kaputian Beach,Maxima Resort and of course The Pearl Farm Resort)

Settled our Payment to our Tricycle Driver (Daghan Salamat Nong!)
Took the IGACOS Express Bus to Downtown Davao City
Dinner at Green Buffet Haus(Eat all you Can for Less)
Nightlife. Sleep. Lights Off!

Day IV: Free Time at Davao City 

Aug 9,2012

Since we have different flights going back to Manila (2 of them on an early AM flight,1 on a 6PM flight and Me and Friend on a Last Flight). We didn’t attempt to create an Itinerary for this last day. 

Checked out by 12PM. Left our Baggage at Hotel.Two of my friends went Malling.Me,I allotted this day for buying Pasalubongs at the famous Aldevinco and met my good friend and former officemate who is based now in Davao City.

What to buy for Pasalubongs:

Pashmina Scarves,Malongs,Durian Candies,Generics (KeyChains,Ref Magnets,Tshirts),Pomelos (Suha) all in Aldevinco
*Aldevinco is near Marco Polo Hotel and Ateneo de Davao

Taxi  from Downtown to Airport (P170)
Checked In.Terminal Fee (P200).Dinner at the Airport
Bye Davao City by 925PM! See you again next year!

Thank You to Cebu Pacific for your Budget Airfares and Promos fits for every Juan

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