
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Luyang Cave and Mamangal Beach, Catanduanes

Day III:Luyang Cave and Mamangal Beach

Woke Up. Breakfast at Jollibee (Centro Mall)
                *We ask directions where is the terminal going to Luyang Cave (Directed us to the Public Market)

1st Stop: Luyang Cave
                *You can Hire a Tricycle or wait for other Passengers (8 Passengers per trike). Since we were “kuripot” we waited for other passengers. Shrink Yourselves!
                *After  45mins of travel we reached Luyang Cave at the Municipality of San Andres
                *One personnel from the Tourism Dept and we registered on their Visitors list.
                *Luyang Cave has no natural nor artificial lights inside.It  is advisable to bring your own flash lights(bought from the market) and hired someone who’s familiar inside.Unluckily, the lone personnel  couldn’t accompany us because he’s having a headache. Caving by ourselves?, but before that we read the history of the cave with a creepy story posted outside.”Sige Tuloy pa rin!”. It is very dark inside,all you can hear are the noises of bats and trail was slippery maybe because of bat’s wee-wee. Continue walking but we didn’t know where are we going until my friend who’s the first in line ,Give Up! (“Ayoko ko na! Matapang ako pero Hinde ko to gusto”) and we second the motion and we had these What Ifs (Bats are food of Snakes ,the Spooky story of the cave et al).

*You can also read Andy’s Luyang Cave story here

Entrance of Luyang Cave

2nd Stop: Mamangal Beach
How to get there? Tricycle Transfers
                *Best for Skim Boarding (Board Rental: P25)
                *There are no restaurants,carinderia or sari-sari stores around .This is a “Bring your own Food Resort”.It was lunch time then and we were hungry like hippo.Thank God! Ate Jo (the caretaker of the resort) offered her  services  to cook for us (Corned Beef, Three pieces of Small Chicken Drumsticks,Rice and a Pitcher of Ice Tea).Ate Jo is a Good Samaritan! Mabuhay Ka Ate! (Of course we gave her Tip)
                *We went their just to have a photo session, felt the sea breeze and took a nap. (“Laidback daw!”).We didn't swim and try skimboarding maybe we were all lazy and none of us has the knowledge to do it.
Another unlucky moment, we can’t contact the tricycle driver that brought us there,so from the resort we have to walk for 2KM to the main road just to look for another ride (“Sino ba malas sa amin?”)


Still lowtide at Mamangal Beach

Hello Bicol! Welcome Me!

3rd Stop: Virac Public Market
Bought Pasalubongs (Abaca made products, Pili nuts made products etc).Walked to our Lodge.Rest for a While. Dinner.Had Beer Session with Locals near the Boulevard( Friendly kaya Kami!)

Day IV:Bye Island Paradise of Catanduanes

Morning Flight (Manila Bound). Tricycle to the Airport (P50).Breakfast at the Airport. Terminal Fee(P20).Airport has No WIFI .Bye Island Paradise of Catanduanes

Thank You Cebu Pacific.That's why our Airport is operational (Lone Flight during our visit)


Tips and Information

-Tricycles are the means of transportation within the City (Fare:P10)
-Jeepneys and Buses are the means of transportation to different towns and municipalities of Catanduanes.
-According to the locals we met,Catanduanes has a lot to offer, they have beautiful falls and beaches especially the Northern Part of the Province and also visit one of the popular resort in Virac-the Twin Rock Beach Resort .
-By Air, there’s only one flight to Manila-Virac- Manila courtesy of Cebu Pacific Airline during our visit.
-By Land, from Manila, you have to go to Tobacco Albay and a RORO to Virac Catanduanes (info  from the Locals we met)
-During our visit, Virac (the Capital) already have  a small mall which is Centro,Jollibee and Mercury Drug and etc. Very simple city and the people are very friendly and hospitable! 

Acknowledgment for this Trip
- Andy of The Viewing Deck for the Itinerary
-Cebu Pacific Air for the budget airfare and promos

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