
Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Trekking to Taal Volcano

Taal (How to Trek Taal Volcano ?)
Date of Visit: Oct 2015
Number of Pax: 6


-1 hr bus ride to Tanauan,Batangas.Tricycle ride  to Jeepney Terminal.Jeepney ride to Talisay. Boat ride to jump-off point (contact our guide,Mark Mendoza -09566658347).1hr trek to Taal Volcano view deck.Boat ride back to Talisay. Tricycle ride  to Jeepney terminal ,Jeepney ride to Tagaytay . Another jeepney ride to Bag Beans (late lunch).Along the Highway ,Bus Ride to Manila . 

* Bring extra clothes. Yes! you can freshen up after the trek at Talisay Docking Port area. Just coordinate with your guide!
* My 1st Trekking experience.Hopefully not the last.Hehehe

Thank you Jean for sharing this Itinerary. You can follow her trekking adventures here! 

Here are the pictures:

*our Taal trek guide,Mark Mendoza -09566658347

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